Bridging Real-world Challenges with Generative AI

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to our upcoming course, "Bridging Real-world Challenges with Generative AI," commencing on August 19th , 2024.

This Hackathon is not only about learning; it's about applying knowledge to real-world scenarios using generative AI accelerators. Immerse yourself in a practical learning experience using Large Language Models (LLM) to tackle real-world challenges through generative AI techniques within a class project.

You will have the opportunity to delve into one of the following cutting-edge use cases:

  • Movie Recommendation
  • Investment Analysis
  • Health Equity
  • EV Car Purchase
  • Resume Consultant
  • Fashion Bot
  • Spotify Music Recommendation
  • Harry Potter Chatbot

Your innovative Capstone project will be meticulously evaluated by our panel of experts. Outstanding projects will be recognized with awards and all successful participants will receive Credly certification—a testament to your hard-earned expertise.

We are confident that your enhanced skill set in Generative AI will pave the way for exciting job opportunities and successful career advancement.

Learning through Videos

Pre-recorded Videos will provide you concepts and examples associated with Generative AI or Large Language Model (LLM).

No New Set-Up Needed

All the development environment will be provided by AI Institute in a secure Microsoft Azure cloud environment. In addition all solution accelerators associated with various use case will be provided by AI Institute.

Knowledge Checks with Final Assignment

As you learn a concept, test your understanding using Interactive Knowledge Checks or quizzes

We will also test how you apply all learnt concepts using a Final Assignment based upon you individual home-work assignment.

Live Lectures

Engage in 6-hours of live lectures.

  • Day 1 Lecture (Introduce Use-Cases & Prompt Engineering): Monday, August 19th 2024, from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM PST
  • Day 2 Lecture (Classification & Knowledge Graph): Friday, August 23rd 2024, from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM PST
  • Day 3 Lecture (RAG, Embedding & Vector databases): Monday, August 26th 2024, from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM PST
  • Day 4 Lecture (LangChains, CoPilots, Generative AI Learn & Improve): Friday, August 30th 2024, from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM PST

Homework Assignments

To complement these lectures, you will receive unparalleled TA/coach support during your Homework Assistance sessions:

  • Thursday August 22nd 2024: 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM PST
  • Thursday, August 29th 2024: 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM PST
  • Tuesday, September 3rd 2024: 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM PST

Credly Certification

Students will be asked to complete homework assignment at the end of each lecture. Upon successful completion of homework assignment and final project, students will receive a Credly certification of completion for adding into their profile.

Hackathon Objectives

Welcome to our course! We're so excited to have you on board. 

We would like to provide you hands-on expertise in Generative AI techniques, solution design, and business implications through an active learning project.  To make the most of our time together, we've outlined the following objectives:

  • Learn fundamentals of Generative AI 
  • Learn how to develop a conversational chatbot using Generative AI
  • Understand how to integrate other technologies – AI and non-AI
  • Design end-user facing use cases of interest using Generative AI
  • Enhance your learning with follow up courses

Expected Outcome

  • Receive lecture materials & tips on Generative AI
  • Complete a project presentation for future employer presentations and college applications.
  • Present your solution to business leaders and AI experts and win prizes.
  • Receive a set of generative AI accelerators for future use.
  • Obtain a “Credly” completion certificate as an accomplishment.

Time Commitment

Engage in a 2-week program with 6-hours of live lectures and 2-hours of TA sessions. Allocate time for online courses, training, demo development, and the final capstone project deliverable.  

Total time commitment by students – 15-20 hours in two weeks

Instructor and Judges

Your course instructor is Neena Sathi.  Judges include seasoned AI faculty from MIT and University of Toronto and business leaders from KPMG.

Target Audience

This class is open to students (high school, college) or professionals (including those in management) with interest in AI/Gen AI.  Join us in harnessing cutting-edge technology for real-world challenges. Enrich your skills, drive innovation, and create impactful solutions.

Course Registration

To enroll in the course, please select "Enroll now" button below. If you have been given a coupon, you can apply it on the enrollment page.

Choose a Pricing Option


Available in days
days after you enroll
  L1. Introduce - Use Cases and Prompt Engineering
Available in days
days after you enroll
  L2. Bring your terminology – Classification and Knowledge Graph
Available in days
days after you enroll
  L3: Add custom document - RAG, Embedding and Vector databases
Available in days
days after you enroll
  L4: Copilots, Generative AI Solution Build & Iterate
Available in days
days after you enroll